Support Beals Historical Society

Tall Barney & His People
The Beals Historical Society has combined the two books, "Tall Barney Genealogy" and "Tall Barney" (the legend), originally published by Velton Peabody, into one book entitled, "Tall Barney and His People".
To order this book: Please send a money order or treasury check, in the amount of $5.00, plus $2.50 shipping, per book payable to:
Beals Historical Society
Attn: Book Order
PO Box 280
Beals ME 04611

Brick Sales
Personalized bricks will be used to permanently recognize the contributions of residents, members and supporters at the BHS building.
Bricks are customized and are available for reservation in either 4 x 8 or 8 x 8 sizes at starting prices of $100 and $150 respectively.
Reserve your brick(s) by printing Order Forms, fill out entirely and return with your payment to the Beals Historical Society mail address or Online through portal linked below.

The Beals Historical Society is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization, therefore, all contributions are tax exempt.
Contributions can be made payable to:
Beals Historical Society,
Attn: Treasurer, PO Box 280, Beals ME 04611
To contact the society, please email or call (207) 497-2675