Memorial Roll (C-P)
This Memorial Roll is dedicated to the memory of BHS members who supported our cause and are no longer with us.
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Calvert Noel Carver
8/20/1930 - 4/29/2009
Born to Joel Nelson Carver and Hildredth Myrtle (Alley) Young
Graduated from Winter Harbor High School in 1949. Served his country in theU.S. Navy, during the Korean War. Married to Rosalie (Palmer) Blackwood Carver for 52 years. Made a living on the ocean working all aspects of the sea with his ultimate love being lobstering. Member of Downeast Lobstermen's Association, former member of Maine Lobster Association, a former board member of Jonesport Historical Society, a member of American Legion and Jonesport School Board, and a former member of the planning board.
Known as "Coach Carver" for coaching the grammar school basketball team.
Children: Bill Blackwood, Randy Blackwood, Ronnie Carver and Stevie Carver

Guy H. Carver, Jr.
5/8/1926 - 3/8/2014
Loved lobster fishing and golfing . A founder of Maine Lobsterman's Association . A founder of Beals-Jonesport Co-op . A founder of Carver Industries Inc. and Long Point Lobster Served as School Board Member for Beals School System . Coached Beals High School Basketball for several years, and in 1956 coached an undefeated season, culminating in a State of Maine Class “S” Championship. Avid sportsman, hunting wildlife and gunning seabirds Married Ruth Lenfestey Carver Had six children, Herrick, Duane, Dwight, Teresa, Mark and Suzanne

Ruth Verlyn (Lenfestey) Carver
7/27/1928 - 3/4/2015
Lifetime spent in service of God, family and community . Founding member of Beals Historical Society Devout member of Beals Community of Christ Church . Ardent supporter, activist, and formidable fundraiser for church, school, and community Was a mother figure to many neighborhood children . Had six children, Herrick, Duane, Dwight, Teresa, Mark and Suzanne
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Peter Chapman
? - 8/6/2021
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Harry L. Crowley, Jr.
Born - 8/18/2007
Son of Harry L. Crowley Sr. and Mina Belle Alley Crowley. Married Jane Marshall on October 29, 1949. Graduated from Beals High School. Played forward for BHS basketball team. Learned seamanship and boating skills from his father, a lobsterman. Attended Machias Normal School. Traveled to school by rowing across Moosabec Reach to Jonesport and then he drove his father’s Model-A to Machias -- except during the hard winter months, when he boarded in Machias. He taught for one year in Franklin, Maine. JoinedCoast Guard and serving approximately one year. Transferred to the Navy V-12 program at Yale, where he spent a year before transferring to the Deck Officer program at Bates College, followed by Midshipman’s school at Notre Dame. Harry served on a small aircraft carrier, which, within a year, had the hanger deck converted to hold bunks, five deep, to ferry military personnel from the western Pacific to San Francisco. Graduated fromBates College. TeacherCushing Academy in Ashburnham. Became student at Boston University, receiving his B in education, and then his Ph.D. Taught at North Adams State College in Massachusetts for 21years, and then moved to Fitchburg State College, where he became chairman of the Behavioral Science Department until he retired in 1984. His students enjoyed his wry humor, and appreciated his kind manner. Upon retiring in 1984, he and Jane winterized the family cottage on Brandy Pond where they had enjoyed all their summers during their teaching careers and have since lived there year-round. Enjoyed building model lobster boats, friendship sloops, carving birds and watching his extended family -- including children, grandchildren and great-grandchild -- grow and spend summers at the lake. Harry was fortunate to enjoy his last day before his illness at the helm of his prized wooden, 1958 Penn Yan boat on Brandy Pond in Naples.
Children: Nancy, John, Roy, Cathy Grandchildren: Tim Doolittle, Peter Doolittle, Amanda Doolittle, Heather Lowell, Jeremy Lowell, Abigail Crowley, Jordan Crowley, Trevor Crowley, Meaghan Crowley, Matthew Crowley, Isabel Walter and Iris Walter Great-grandchild, Connor Doolittle
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Jerome W. Crowley
6/25/1917 - 2/29/2008
Born to: Harry L. and Mina B. (Alley) Crowley.
Married to Obeline (Burke) Crowley for 68 years. Member of Beals Wesleyan Church and Jonesport Lodge No. 188 AF & AM. Worked as a lobster fishermen for more than 60 years. Owned and operated a general store for 20 years and clam shops in Beals and Jonesport. Enjoyed spending time with family and friends and especially spending time with his great-grandchildren.
Children: Leon J. Crowley Grandchildren, Chris Crowley, Craig Crowley Great-grand-children: Christopher, Kaitlynn, Marc, Lauren and Rachel

Leon Jerome Crowley
11/18/1943 - 3/30/2022
Parents: Jerome W. and Obeline (Burke) Crowley. Spouse: Bonnie Crowley Leon's early years were spent near the family homestead at Barney Cove. A natural born leader, he planned and orchestrated many childhood adventures for his neighborhood friends. Circuses, school houses, and carnival rides were imagined by Leon and with the help of his reluctant grandfather, Frank Burke, each idea came to life. Leon honed in on his leadership qualities and trained to become a teacher and administrator to begin a successful career in education spanning for almost four decades. His first position was at Cherryfield Elementary School. Being asked to go to Jonesport and the fact it was closer to home, Leon became the first principal at Jonesport-Beals High School in 1968, the year both towns joined their schools as one. Following his assignment at the high school, he spent numerous years at the Cove School then the Lincoln Grammar School in West Jonesport until 1978 before accepting his final teaching assignment at Beals Elementary School and retiring in 1995. Leon made many special friends in his lifetime as an educator in the school districts he served. Always an educator at heart, much of his conversations revolved around school and his lifelong love for education. Even as a very young child, he was the teacher, sending numerous childhood friends home after misbehaving in their makeshift school house in the loft of his father's building. One day, his childhood "co-teacher," Mrs. Kelley accidentally fell out of the loft. Leon looked down, saw that she seemed to be fine, only stunned, and continued to lecture his students. Leon enjoyed the 62 years he was given to play the pipe organ. Starting at the Beals Wesleyan Church when he was 16, he continued to play throughout his lifetime until late last spring when his health declined, and he was no longer able to continue playing. He thoroughly enjoyed his church family at Sawyer Memorial Congregational Church and looked forward to their weekly choir practices, especially preparing for the annual midnight Christmas Eve Service. Leon and Bonnie shared their 50th wedding anniversary June, 2021. Children: Chris and Craig Grandchildren: Lauren, Rachel and Sarah Great Granddaughter: Addison

Pamela S. Davis
5/22/1948 - 4/18/2021
Parents: Emery B. Strout and Rosalee Strout Grandparents, Clifford and Flora Edna Strout. Attended Elementary School in Milbridge, grammar school in Jacksonville, graduated from Washington Academy in 1966, and went on to attend the University of Maine at Machias where she met the love of her life, Daniel F. Davis at lockers 52 and 64. Attended Husson College in Bangor where she furthered her studies in business education. Worked at Farris Dry Goods in Machias
Deputy Register of Deeds for Washington County. Bookkeeper for Beal’s Lobster Company in Jonesport Assistant Treasurer for Washington County Bookkeeper at Sunrise Workshop in Machias.
Office Manager for Addison Point Specialized Services in Addison Moved to Beals in 1972, served as tax collector for a number of years Secretary for Beals Historical Society from the time of its founding.
A woman of great faith, often heard saying, “The Dear Lord will take care of it. Everything will turn out all right.” Attended the Federated Church of Milbridge as a child Member of Machias Valley Baptist Church Member Beals Advent Christian Church Attended Addison Church on the Hill for a number of years with her husband in his music ministry. Became active in the church that she came to know and love, Harrington Baptist Church, from 1982 to present. Church work consisted of assistant church treasurer, kitchen committee and fund raising committee member, and contact person for the prayer chain. A great encourager and example to others of true love, compassion, and a tender heart.
Her generous donations to the church renovations project helped make possible numerous improvements to the sanctuary, kitchen, fellowship area, and numerous other undertakings over the past 39 years. She dearly loved her church family and was always concerned for their needs, her motivation and zeal for the work of the church being an inspiration to all despite her own handicapping condition. Despite having been confined to a wheel chair since 2005, she was highly motivated and believed she could do anything she set her mind to. She was never one to say “no” but was always willing and eager to serve in any capacity. Skilled in crafts of various kinds, she loved making quilts, doing embroidery, doing word searches and puzzles, and most of all sharing her work for others to enjoy. Pam will be especially missed by her large feline family of 28, especially Brock who slept on the arm of her wheelchair or in her arms most of the time.

Kenton Robert Feeney
2/19/1955 - 2/24/2022
Parents: Robert and Gloria Feeney from Jonesport.
Kenton had a passion for life and was masterful at making deep connections and friends wherever he traveled. The large tapestry of friendships he wove was often done with his legendary storytelling, playful banter, phenomenal memory, and love of local history and sports. A lot of his travels were often on a Harley-Davidson in the company of fellow characters. Over the years, he logged thousands of miles riding on a bike, often as a representative for UBM, the United Bikers of Maine.
Kenton was a self-made man, starting his early adulthood on the worm flats. At 19, he decided with some "fatherly encouragement" to join the U.S. Coast Guard. Following four years of service, he eventually started sailing as a merchant mariner. His path to the sea resulted in a long, successful career that led him to be a Chief Engineer on oil tankers for ConocoPhillips, Inc. He was a beloved shipmate and always brought a positive energy with him on board the ships. He retired in 2012 and never looked back. For the next ten years, he enjoyed every minute of his life that included activities such as tuna fishing and racing his lobster boat "Bad Influence." He is now smiling broadly because he is reunited with his grandson, Kenton Chase Feeney. Children: Darrell and Gina Feeney
Grandchildren: Robby and Breonna Feeney;
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Rebecca A. (Backman) Graves
?? - 1/25/2008
Beals Island born and raised . Parents: Herman and R. Estelle (Church) Backman . Moved to Quincy, MA., in 1944 . Worked as seamstress for more than 25 years at Linwood’s Fabric House, Weymouth, MA 50-year member of Wollaston Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star No. 156, White Shrine of Jerusalem No. 2 of Braintree, MA. Member of the Atlantic Memorial Congregational Church . Member of Betsy Ross Group . Member of Beals Historical Society . Married: Harleigh A. Alley in 1942 and Henry T. Graves in 1961. Had two children: Dorothy and William

Farrell Lenfestey
12/11/1915 - 8/23/2006
Class of 1933, Beals High School Married Myrtle (Beal) Lenfestey . Elder and Pastor, Beals Community of Christ Church Wonderful father and grandfather.
Myrtle Beal Lenfestey
7/5/1916- 5/7/2009
Class of 1933, Beals High School Married Farrell L. Lenfestey. Piano teacher, Church Organist at Beals Weslyan Church Loving mother and grandmother

Bettina Carver Merchant
12/3/1934 - 10/15/2021
The daughter of Oscar and Louise (Coffin) Carver. Graduated from Beals High School, class of 1952, Washington State Teachers College and University of Alaska Completed Master's degree in education. Taught in Maine for a few years. Move to Nondalton for Native Village Service and then to Kenai for her final Alaskan assignment. Retired to Jonesport in 2004 First married, Clark Whitney, Sr. Second married, Jesse Merchant Children: Clark Whitney, Jr and Charles Whitney Grandchildren: Aiden, Maia, and Benjamin
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Arlene Aseliah Moore
6/11/1922 - 9/3/2010
Attended Beals schools. Employed as a sardine packer at several canneries, including William Underwood and R.B. & C.G. Stevens, Jonesport, and L. Ray Packing Co., Milbridge Employed in ship construction at Bath Iron Works during the early part of World War II Owned and operated a grocery store in the Alleys Bay district of Beals Worked as a waitress in Rockport, Mass for several years. Member of Beals Community of Christ and Beals Historical Society. Children: Velton, Vernon, Clyde, Regina and Gwendolyn
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Jesse Merchant
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Dawn Euda (Marcoux) Mossler
12/1/1961 - 9/7/2006
Spent her entire childhood and youth on Beals Island Alumni of Jonesport-Beals High School Class of 1980. Worked for Machias Savings Bank Stationed at a number of Air Force bases around the country, including Keesler in Mississippi, Pope in North Carolina, Wright-Patterson in Ohio, Hanscom in Massachusetts, and Bolling in Washington, D.C. Proud to be part of a military family; she loved exploring the country, seeing new places, and meeting new people. The many friends she made appreciated her warm heart and beautiful smile wherever she went. Loved reading, being outdoors, gardening, bird watching, and crafts. Epecially fond of summers spent at the family camp on Sebec Lake, and enjoyed visiting lighthouses along the coast Continued her career as a bank teller, until her health prevented her from working . Married, U.S. Air Force Maj. William R. “Bill” Mossler

Earl H. Peabody
12/4/1929 - 1/31/2015
Class of 1949, Beals High School . Graduated from UMM and UMO. Teacher and Administrator for 40+ years in ME, MA, and NH Married Sylvia (Lenfestey) Peabody Had two children, Cheryl and Ronald. Beloved husband, father and grandfather

Ronald H. Peabody
3/9/1959 - 8/31/2012
Graduated Masconomet High School Boxford, MA. Spent 20 years in  United States Coast Guard, rank BM1 . Restored a 1941 Coast Guard Motor Life Boat, which was used in the Walt Disney movie, “The Finest Hours” in 2016. Ashes buried at sea off Great Wass Island and at Sewall Field Cemetery, Beals. Beloved son, grandson, brother, and friend

Sylvia Lenfestey Peabody
5/17/1935 - 6/25/2022
Parents: Farrell and Myrtle (Beal) Lenfestey. Married Earl Peabody February 19, 1956 Children: Cheryl Anita (Peabody) Szacik and Ronald Hilton Peabody Sylvia graduated from Beals High School in 1952 as Valedictorian of her class. After a brief study at Graceland College in Lamoni, IA, she returned to Maine to attend and graduate from Washington State Teachers’ College, Machias, ME in 1956 with a BS in Elementary Education. She continued her studies in the field of Special Education and Reading, and taught in both capacities in ME, MA, and NH for 35 years. Sylvia and her beloved husband, Earl H. Peabody enjoyed many years of love and adventure. Sylvia was a lifelong member of the Community of Christ Church, a charter member of the Beals Historical Society, and held memberships in Teacher’s Associations in ME, MA, and NH. She and Earl attended and participated in the Emanuel Advent Christian Church in Rochester, NH, for several years. Earl and Sylvia retired in 1995 and returned to her beloved Beals Island for ten blessed years. She loved being “Homagen” (home again) until 2005, when Earl’s declining health made it necessary for them to move back to Rochester, NH.